Senin, 07 Januari 2013

Kombinasi - kombinasi dragon di dragon city

Hy Guys!!! untuk artikel yg sekarang saya ingin membagi sedikit pengetahuan tentang Cara Mengombinasikan Dragon di Dragon City (CMDDC). Memang ya kalau dilihat-lihat Dragon city itu GAMES yg dirancang untuk membantu KREATIFITAS seseorang untuk mendapatkan hasil yg terbaik.
Nah, sebelum itu kita lihat dulu... ada berapa macam GENERASI dari Dragon dan JENIS Dragon yg ada...

1. Dragon Breeding Generation 1 ~> Penggabungan antara Geneu Dragon (Naga yg sudah digabungin)

2. Dragon Breeding Generation 2 ~> Penggabungan antara inGeneu + inGeneu Dragon = Rare Dragon and Hybird Dragon (Naga yg sudah digabungin namun Kemungkinan Besar 85% bisa mendapatkan Naga Langka dan 15% mendapatkan Naga Hybird)

3. Dragon Breeding Generation 3 ~> Penggabungan antara inGeneu Rare + inGeneu Rare Dragon = Lengend Dragon (Naga yg sudah digabungin dg kombinasi Rare + Rare Dragon sehingga kita bisa mendapatkan Naga Legendaris, Kemungkinan Besar 95%)

4. Dragon Breeding Generation 4 ~> Penggabungan antara Geneu Legend + Geneu Legend = Pure Dragon (Naga Mulia dg kombinasi Legend + Legend Dragon sehingga Kemungkinan Besar 98% kita bisa mendapatkan Naga Mulia)

5. Dragon Breeding Generation 5 ~> Penggabungan antara Geneu Pure + Geneu Dragon = Pure Elemental Dragon (Naga Mulia yg dikombinasikan dg Naga Elemen sehingga Kemungkinan Besar 100% bisa mendapat kan Naga Elemen Mulia)

Adapun jenis-jenis Naganya :
- Elemental Dragon
- Hybird Dragon
- Rare Dragon
- Legend Dragon
- Pure Dragon

Note : Elemental Dragon bisa digabung dg Elemental yg lain kecuali, Dark + Water = X, Plant or Nature + Eletric = X, Fire or Flame + Ice = X, Earth or Terra + Metal = X.

Eng Ing Eng.... Eeeeeeng.....
Sekarang saat membagi tata cara penggabungannya.
1. DBG 1 :
Earth Dragon Breeding Generation 1

Earth + Fire = Flaming Rock or Volcano.
Earth + Plant = Tropical or Cactus.
Earth + Water = Mud or Waterfall.
Earth + Electric = Star or Chameleon.
Earth + Ice = Alpine or Snowflake.
Earth + Dark = Hedgehog Or Venom

Fire Dragon Breeding Generation 1

Fire + Earth = Flaming Rock or Volcano.
Fire + Water = Cloud or Blizzard.
Fire + Plant = Firebird or Spicy.
Fire + Electric = Laser or Hot Metal.
Fire + Metal = Medieval or Steampunk
Fire + Dark = Vampire or Dark Fire

Water Dragon Breeding Generation 1

Water + Earth = Mud.
Water + Fire = Cloud or Blizzard.
Water + Plant = Nenufar or Coral.
Water + Electric = Lantern Fish or Storm.
Water + Ice = Icecube or Ice Cream
Water + Metal = Mercury or Seashell

Plant Dragon Breeding Generation 1

Plant + Earth = Tropical or Cactus
Plant + Fire = Firebird or Spicy.
Plant + Water = Nenufar or Coral.
Plant + Ice = Dandelion or Mojito
Plant + Metal = Jade or Dragonfly
Plant + Dark = Carnivore or Rattlesnake.

Electric Dragon Breeding Generation 1

Electric + Earth = Star or Chameleon.
Electric + Fire = Laser Or Hot Metal.
Electric + Water = Lantern Fish or Storm.
Electric + Metal = Golden or Battery.
Electric + Dark = Neon.
Electric + Ice = Moose or Floourescent

Ice Dragon Breeding Generation 1

Ice + Earth = Alpine or Snowflake.
Ice + Water = Icecube or Ice Cream.
Ice + Plant = Dandelion or Mojito.
Ice + Metal = Pearl *
Ice + Electric = Flourescent or Moose
Ice + Dark = Penguin

Metal Dragon Breeding Generation 1

Metal + Fire = Medieval or Steampunk
Metal + Water = Mercury or Shea sell
Metal + Plant = Jade or Dragonfly
Metal + Electric = Golden or Battery.
Metal +Ice = Pearl or Platinum
Metal + Dark = Zombie.

Dark Dragon Breeding Generation 1

Dark + Earth = Hedgehog Or Venom
Dark + Fire = Vampire or Drak Fire
Dark + Plant = Carnivore Plant Or Rattle Snake.
Dark + Electric = Neon.
Dark + Ice = Penguin.
Dark + Metal = Zombie.

2. DBG 2 :
FireBird + Hot Metal = Gummy 53% or Laser Dragon 47%
Laser + Dandellion = Gummy 30% or Flurouscent 42% or Cool Fire 28%
Medieval + Alphine = Soccer 41% or Armadillo 41% or Cool Fire 18%
Zombie + Mud = Pirate 15% or Armadillo 15% or Venom 29% or Hedgehog 41%
Dark + Mud = Pirate 43% or Venom 57%
Nenufar + Neon = Petroleum 29% or Gummy 29% or Carnivore 14% or Latern 14% or Strom 14%
Neon + Nenufar = Pirate 48% or Rattle Snake 51%

3. DBG 3 :
Cool Fire + Cool Fire = Random Legend Dragon
Soccer + Soccer = RLD
Armadillo + Armadillo = RLD
Pirate + Pirate = RLD
Petroleum + Petroleum = RLD
Gummy + Gummy = RLD
Cool Fire + Soccer = Legendary
Cool Fire + Soccer = Crystal
Gummy + Cool Fire = Mirror
Gummy + Armadillo = Wind

4. DBG 4 :
Ø Pure Dragon = [Wind + Wind]
Ø Pure Dragon = [Wind + Mirror]
Ø Pure Dragon = [Wind + Crystal]
Ø Pure Dragon = [Wind + Legend]
Ø Pure Dragon = [Mirror + Mirror]
Ø Pure Dragon = [Mirror + Crystal]
Ø Pure Dragon = [Mirror + Legend]
Ø Pure Dragon = [Crystal + Crystal]
Ø Pure Dragon = [Crystal + Legend]
Ø Pure Dragon = [Legend + Legend]

5. DBG 5 :

· Pure Earth Dragon = [Pure + Earth]
· Pure Fire Dragon = [Pure + Fire]
· Pure Water Dragon = [Pure + Water]
· Pure Plant Dragon = [Pure + Plant]
· Pure Electric Dragon = [Pure + Electric]
· Pure Ice Dragon = [Pure + Ice]
· Pure Metal Dragon = [Pure + Metal]
· Pure Dark Dragon = [Pure + Dark]

Nah, sekian dulu ya ^_^ penjelasannya.... Tunggu Update Artikel tentang DRAGON CITY COMBINATION TIME.

Jumat, 16 November 2012

Lenka Lyric's [Everything's At Once]

Untuk yg butuh Lyric's dari lagu [Lenka - Everything At Once]

Silakan di coba! ^_^

"Everything At Once"

As sly as a fox, as strong as an ox
As fast as a hare, as brave as a bear
As free as a bird, as neat as a word
As quiet as a mouse, as big as a house

All I wanna be, all I wanna be, oh
All I wanna be is everything

As mean as a wolf, as sharp as a tooth
As deep as a bite, as dark as the night
As sweet as a song, as right as a wrong
As long as a road, as ugly as a toad

As pretty as a picture hanging from a fixture
Strong like a family, strong as I wanna be
Bright as day, as light as play
As hard as nails, as grand as a whale

All I wanna be oh, all I wanna be, oh
All I wanna be is everything
Everything at once
Everything at once, oh
Everything at once

As warm as the sun, as silly as fun
As cool as a tree, as scary as the sea
As hot as fire, cold as ice
Sweet as sugar and everything nice

As old as time, as straight as a line
As royal as a queen, as buzzed as a bee
Stealth as a tiger, smooth as a glider
Pure as a melody, pure as I wanna be

All I wanna be oh, all I wanna be, oh
All I wanna be is everything
Everything at once

Pengenalan karakter di Grand Chase

Halo Grand Chase Knight!!

Kalian para penggemar pastinya mempunyai karakter utama jika bermain GC, maka dari itu kita cari tahu yuk apa saja kekuatan para ksatria di Grand Chase . . . . .
 Simak dengan baik yah!! ^_^

Karakter :
[1] Elesis : diantara para ksatria grand chase elesis sebenarnya adalah pemimpinnya, tetapi di seorang yang mudah tersinggung. [makanya kalo ngobrol ma elesis jgn cari gara2 ntar ditimpukin ^_^]
Job yg udh terliris : Knight, Spearman, Sword Master, dan Savior
- Knight : kekuatan pertama yg mempunyai kemampuan berpedang dengan lincah dan fleksibel, membantu elesis menyerang dalam jarak dekat ataupun menengah. Special skill :  Bravery (Braver)
- Spearman : kekuatan kedua yg mempunyai kemampuan menyerang dari jarak dekat, menengah, dan jauh. dg kekuatan ini elesis dapat melipat gandakan serangannya hingga 10x lipat. Special skill : Spirit Lance
- Sword Master : kekuatan ketiga ini merupakan kekuatan yg sangat melelahkan, karena senjata yg dibawanya adalah Giant Sword (Pedang Besar) yg beratnya mencapai 100kg. Special skill : Chaotic Judgement 
- Savior : kekuatan keempat yg sangat lincah merupakan kekuatan utama elesis yg sangat berguna, karena senjata yg dibawanya tidak terlalu berat, hanya 2 buah pedang ringan. Special skill : Annihilate

Tunggu kelanjutan penjelasannya ya!!!.... ^3^ maap kalo baru elesis aje,,,,,,

Grand Chase Update

Grand Chase Rising New Update!

 Pacth 15 November 2012 :

Post this announcement into,, or
Reward : 10 Champion mode ticket

Event :
-          New Hero Dungeon [HD] : Phantasmic Sector or Wizard Labyrint’s
-          New Pet : Aron Jr., Elder Kungji Jr., and Nix or Lucretia
-          New Event : VIP Event (14 days left), Phantasmic Sector Event, and Sticker Lucky Gacha